Educational resources

Our lab engages in educating students at all levels, from high school students to graduate students. We teach courses and create educational resources that anyone can use such as lecture notes and softwares (on our lab's GitHub). Below are some of these materials.

For high school students who are interested in studying biology with math:

  Math in biology (.pdf)   

  Probabilistic descriptions of biological phenomena (.pdf)   

For undergrads interested in mathematically modeling cellular processes:
  Lec 1 - Intro. & Population dynamics (.pdf)    - Intro. to dynamical systems; Logistic differential and difference eqn; Stochastic pop. dynamics.
  Lec 2 - Basic gene circuits: Deterministic dynamics (.pdf)    - Basics of gene-regulatory circuits; Constitutive expression; Positive feedback; Negative feedback.
  Lec 3 - Stochastic gene expression (.pdf)    - Stochastic gene expression; Master equation; Fokker-Planck equation; Adding noise by hand
  Lec 4 - Stochastic models beyond gene regulation (.pdf)    - Basic statistics; Berg-Purcell limit; Luria-Delbruck analysis
  Lec 5 - Scaling of spatial pattern (.pdf)    - Reaction-diffusion equation; scaling body plan with embryo's size
  Excerise with solution: Solving reaction-diffusion equation (.pdf)    - Solving reaction-diffusion eqn for 1st- & 2nd-order degradations of morphogen
  Lec 6 - Turing mechanism for spatial patterning (.pdf)    - Turing mechanism for self-organized spatial patterning

For SIBR 2023:

  SIBR 2023 data set    - Data set for SIBR 2023