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Last updated on July 31, 2008 at 10:41 AM (EST).

MITES 2008 - Physics III : Oscillations and Waves

Instructor: Hyun Youk.
Email: [REMOVETHISPARThyoukREMOVETHISPART]@mit.edu [Just the blue text.]

Recitation Instructor: Louis Fouche.
Email: [REMOVETHISPARTldfoucheREMOVETHISPART]@alum.mit.edu[Just the blue text.]

Lectures are held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during 1:15-2:45 PM in Rm. 1-134.
Recitation is held on Thursday during 2:30 - 3:30 PM in Rm. 1-134.

Office Hours for Hyun:
(Day): Mon, Wed., Fri.: 12:30-1:15 PM in classrom (Rm. 1-134).
(Evening): Mon., Tues. : 7-10 PM in Simmons Rm. 348 (small side room in the lounge).
For other times, just send an e-mail to Hyun.

Office Hours for Louis:
(Evening): Mon., Tues. 8-10 PM, Thrs. 8-9PM, Fri. 7:30-8:30 PM in Simmons Rm. 348 (small side room in the lounge)
[ Course syllabus (PDF) ]


Lecture notes:

Mathematics Supplementary Notes:

Problem sets:

Solution sets:

MATLAB Codes and plots:

[ Instruction on running MATLAB codes on Athena. ]

Exams and Quizzes